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ABC'S of Energy Healing

ABC's of Energy healing is "Awareness Brings Clarity." In today's world we can be so busy that we don’t pay attention to our own bodies, and go unaware of obvious blockages to our health, productivity and fulfillment.


In your ABC Energy Healing session, Diane uses several modalities. She will ask questions to bring Awareness to the areas of your life that have been creating havoc.  She engages a gentle non-invasive technique that will tap into certain energy points where negative energies are stored to assist in releasing dense physical, mental and emotional energies.


She enables your body to direct her to the location that needs attention – following the energy and transforming it to flow easily and restore balance.


Diane works both on and off the body's energy field. Some people describe their experience as having a massage without the touching. They feel energized, clearheaded, positive, and relief from common aches and pains.  Many have received spontaneous healings from other chronic problems.

In this session, modalities that may be used might be an Access Bars®, Alphabiotic Alignment, Craniosacral, Matrix Energetics, Pranic Healing®, Crystal Healing, and Healing Cards. Each session is customized and different.


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